Now that we are squarely in spring, your common area plants are transitioning to the warmer temperatures.
Your summer Bermuda grass is starting to emerge from dormancy and take over the winter Ryegrass. We are lowering mow heights and applying fertilizer regularly to aid the transition. During this period, the turf may look patchy in some areas, but this will decrease once the Bermuda fully transitions.
Your maintenance crew is keeping an eye on your trees, trimming back heavy branches as needed, with particular attention to sightlines. We are nearing the end of seasonal pruning throughout your community, pruning select plants to about half their size to promote proper regrowth during their flowering season. Many of the plants we pruned earlier in the season have already entered their flowering phase, so be sure to enjoy the fresh spring color! We are currently pruning at Lincoln Square, Figueroa Green, Hawk Park, Sable and the main roadway on Point 22.
Some of the trees at your parks are planted directly in the turf, which leads to a risk of permanent damage to the trees when we mow the turf. We are currently creating 6- to 12-inch buffer rings around these trees which will reduce this risk.
We are also starting to run your irrigation longer to keep plants, trees and turf healthy in the hotter weather. The hotter temperatures are very friendly to weeds, and we are treating weed growth with herbicide applications as needed, paying particular attention to the edges of your sidewalks. The maintenance crew also removes weeds as needed during their pruning work.
Did you take advantage of our early mild temperatures this year by planting new shrubs and flowers at home? Did you add any new trees to your landscape?
Sometimes we think when we install a new tree, nature will take over in caring for it. But really, a new tree needs special attention, especially as it tries to establish itself during the first few important years of growth.
During the tree’s first year in the ground, we encourage leaving as many limbs on the tree, including along the entire length of the trunk, for as long as possible. Keeping these extra limbs provides more leafs for the tree to use to make more nutrients so it can grow stronger more rapidly.
Light pruning may be required during the first year; this may include removal of dead or broken branches, a competing leader, any branches touching the ground or any sprouts (also known as suckers) growing directly out of the base of the trunk. Otherwise, young trees are best left un-pruned during their first year.
Visit the DLC Learning Center to learn more about how to care for your young tree including proper watering. Just search for “young tree” in our search box at the top right of the home page.
The natural progression to summer Bermuda grass from winter Ryegrass continues in your common areas. During this time, the Ryegrass dies and the turf may appear to be yellow or have some areas that look dry. This is a temporary condition that improves as the Bermuda grass fills in.
Transitioning from Ryegrass to Bermuda grass is, ideally, a gradual process that typically lasts from the beginning of April through the end of May.
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