Not all the precious animals that arrive at the Arizona Humane Society (AHS) are ready to be adopted. That’s where foster heroes come in.
AHS foster heroes are volunteers who care for sick, injured, or underage animals in their own homes until they are ready to be adopted. The temporary respite in a foster home, away from the shelter, provides the second chance that can save an animal’s life.
As part of the Eastmark Cares about Animals campaign, our goal is to recruit five Eastmark families to be foster heroes. To make it easy, AHS is hosting an onsite Foster Hero Orientation at The ‘Mark on Wednesday, Feb. 22, at 6 p.m. where you can learn more.
Who is eligible to be a foster volunteer? If you have a passion for animals and a loving home, you may be great candidate. Here is what’s involved:
During the orientation, you’ll get an overview of AHS and its role in the community, learn more about animal welfare issues, and become oriented to the foster program. Register for the orientation today.
In the meantime, if you’re curious about what animals are available to be fostered, check out AHS’ online foster portal.
We’ll see you at The ‘Mark on Feb. 22!
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