
Community stewardship: maintaining the beauty of Eastmark

February 2017 | Related Categories: Welcome to Eastmark

There were probably a few great reasons why you ultimately chose to call Eastmark home, and we venture to guess that a couple of those were character and curb appeal. The architecture of the homes, the tree-lined streets, the uniquely-designed parks around almost every corner—these are just a few of the elements that separate Eastmark from other communities.

And it’s not just the Community Life team who maintains the high standards of Eastmark. Residents also help preserve the beauty, and the long-term vision, of this remarkable community.

In short, we’re in this together. We all play a role in keeping Eastmark a world-class community.

So as you settle into your new home, we invite you to take a moment to peruse the Community Standards documents. They cover everything from holiday décor to commercial vehicles in your driveway. These standards are in place not to drive you crazy or keep you up at night worried about the weeds in your front yard. They are in place to maintain the community look and feel you fell in love with the first time you visited Eastmark.

The Community Life team regularly tours the community to ensure the standards are being met and will mail you a notice of non-compliance if something is found amiss. If you receive a non-compliance note, don’t fret. This is not the end of the world and this does not mean you have been singled out by the Community Life team. Think of it more as a courtesy notice, a “hey, we noticed this problem and wanted to give you a heads up to fix it.”

If you ever have a question, concern, or think we’re just plain wrong, let us know. You are always welcome to contact the Eastmark Residential Association.

Just a heads up, here are some of the most commonly overlooked standards, so keep an extra eye on these items as you’re setting up your new home.

Satellite dishes

Prior approval for installing a satellite dish or antennae is necessary if the requested install site varies from the satellite dish installation guidelines.

Source: Satellite Dish Installation Guidelines

Backyard landscaping

All front yard landscape modifications require prior written approval from the Eastmark Design Review Committee. Backyard landscape modifications do not need prior approval, as long as plants and trees are listed as permitted plant material in the Eastmark Master Plant Palette.

Source: Eastmark Design Guidelines (trees and shrubs section)

Landscape maintenance responsibilities

Home landscape must be maintained so that it does not become visually unattractive, overgrown or otherwise not in keeping with the Eastmark Design Guidelines. Trees, shrubs, or plantings cannot overhang or encroach upon any public right-of-way including sidewalks and bicycle paths.

Maintenance of the parkway zone is the responsibility of the resident. However, trees within the parkway zone are irrigated, pruned, and maintained by the Eastmark Residential Association, Inc.

Source: Eastmark Residential Association CC&Rs (article 6, paragraph 6.1.1) and Eastmark Design Guidelines (landscape maintenance and parkway zone sections)

See something out place in the community? Report your observations by submitting a Community Concern Form.

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Welcome to Eastmark