
Eastmark neighbors honored for being awesome

August 2016 | Related Categories: Resident News & Events | What's New

Lingelbach family receives Trellis ‘Good Neighbor’ Award


(L to R) Mesa Mayor John Giles, Cody and Heather Lingelbach with their three children, Trellis COO Todd Francis, and local artist David Bonney celebrate the Lingelbach’s “Good Neighbor” honor and front porch bench.

There’s no doubt about it, Eastmark is full of awesome neighbors. You know who they are. They’re the neighbors who spend their Saturday afternoon helping you unload those endless moving boxes. The neighbors who bake you a dozen chocolate chip cookies, just because. The neighbors who join you on the front porch for great conversation and a cocktail. When you can count your neighbors among your good friends, you know you live someplace special.

This July, the Trellis “Good Neighbor Initiative” spotlighted the Lingelbach family of Eastmark for being the type of neighbor we’d all love to have living down the street. Coinciding with the annual National NeighborWorks Week, the Trellis “Good Neighbor Initiative” celebrates neighbors who are positive pillars in their communities.

The Lingelbachs were nominated by their friend, Craig Reddinger, and are one of 12 families in Maricopa County to be honored as “Good Neighbors.” Cody and Heather Lingelbach, who have three children and two foster children, were nominated for their caring, supportive, and genuine spirit, and for always putting others before themselves. They are known for frequently opening their home to others, without judgment. Now that’s a great neighbor.

Trellis representatives and Mesa Mayor John Giles visited the Lingelbach home to award them the “Good Neighbor” designation on July 23. But that’s not all. Local artists were commissioned to decorate one-of-a-kind front porch benches to be gifted to the “Good Neighbor” awardees. The Lingelbachs were presented with a beautifully-designed bench by artist David Bonney.

Trellis is a local not-for-profit that helps make home ownership a reality for Arizonans through counseling, financial access, and neighborhood development. This is the second year Trellis has hosted the “Good Neighbor Initiative.” You can nominate your neighbor at trellisaz.org/goodneighbor.

Congratulations, Lingelbachs! We’re proud to call you our Eastmark neighbors.

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