
Get your bike road-ready at bike event

November 2015 | Related Categories: Resident News & Events | What's New

Bike event

Get Your Bike Road-Ready at Let’s Ride! Eastmark on Sunday, November 15

Fall has finally arrived in Arizona! The cooler temps make for perfect bicycling weather. All you need is a bit of a tune up. Some air in the tires, grease in the gears and maybe a new helmet  and you will be ready to go. Pack up your wheels – your cruiser, skateboard, road or mountain bike and bring it to Eastmark Sunday, November 15 for a free Bike Rodeo.

Banner Children’s will be on hand providing helmet fittings and teach adults and kids the rules of road in an interactive bike rodeo (to participate you must bring bike and wear helmet). Eastmark also partnered with the City of Mesa Bike and Pedestrian Program and Valley Metro to offer expert tips so you can stay safe on the roads.  Soul Cruiser, the Tempe shop that built Eastmark’s famous Orange Cruiser, will perform free bike maintenance checks to help get your wheels ready to go.

For those who don’t have bike helmets (a must for safe riding) or need other bike gear, some  local bike shops will have gear for sale.

Let’s Ride! Eastmark will feature favorite local food trucks with great treats to buy and lots of giveaways for participants. Stay for the high-energy BMX Impact show where trained BMX racers will show off their skills in The Eastmark Great Park for visitors.

This event is free and open to the public.

Let’s Ride Eastmark – Bike Event

Sunday, November 15, 2015
2 – 5 p.m.

The Eastmark Great Park
Eastmark Visitor and Community Center
10100 E Ray Rd, Mesa, AZ 85212

Open to the public, free event for kids and all cyclists

Free family event featuring bicycle safety training for kids, helmet fittings, bike maintenance tips with Soul Cruiser,  inflatables for play the Police Dept/K9 team, and Mesa Fire Department truck. Guests should bring their skateboards, bikes, scooters and helmets to participate!

Popular local food trucks will have a variety of foods for sale.


  • 2 – 5 p.m. – Bike Safety Event for families with Banner Children’s – helmet fittings, bike maintenance tips with Soul Cruiser, music and inflatables for play
  • 2:30 – 4 p.m. – Bike Safety Rodeo – Bring your bike to participate
  • 4 – 5 p.m. – BMX Impact

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