
Highest quality school options at Eastmark

May 2015 | Related Categories: Construction | Education | What's New

Education is at the heart of building every DMB community. The Eastmark community is no exception.

Two top ranked public charter schools selected Eastmark for their campuses. These schools are flourishing in every way.

Gateway Polytechnic Academy Opens This Fall – Open Houses This Week at Eastmark
This fall, the Queen Creek School District will open its newest grade school for students in the area, the Gateway Polytechnic Academy. Parents can learn more about this new K-6 elementary school and meet with faculty and staff at their upcoming open houses at Eastmark’s Community Center, The ‘Mark.

Eastmark Community Center
10100 E. Ray Road
Mesa, AZ 85212

• Wednesday, May 27 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m
• Thursday, May 28 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
• Wednesday, June 3 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
• Thursday, June 4 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
• Meet and Greet: Thursday, June 11 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

School Information
QCUSD-GroundbreakingIn November 2014, voters approved a bond that gives Queen Creek Unified School District the ability to build a new school in its northern boundary. The 89,000 square foot facility will accommodate growth in the district, with the capacity to house 750 students. Construction is in progress for Gateway Polytechnic Academy (GPA), K-6 elementary school at the intersection of Signal Butte Road and Ray Road. GPA is scheduled to open for the 2015-2016 school year.

To view images of the construction of Gateway Polytechnic Academy, click here.

BASIS Schools Top Highest Ranked Schools in Worldwide Test
Arizona’s BASIS School students continue to outperform their peers around the country and the globe. This year, six BASIS schools were eligible to participate in the OECD assessment (BASIS Chandler, BASIS Flagstaff, BASIS Oro Valley, BASIS Peoria, BASIS Scottsdale, and BASIS Tucson North). Overall, BASIS students from Arizona tested above every educational system in the world in Math, Reading and Science, including Shanghai, China, the top ranked school system in the world.

Congratulations to BASIS students for their hard work and commitment to their education!
OECD is an international exam to assess what students know and also to measure how students apply the knowledge. The OECD test is based on PISA, the world’s premier student assessment.

Eastmark is fortunate to have a BASIS school right in the heart of the growing community. Many local parents choose this area for the opportunity to have their students attend this exceptional public school. Today, BASIS Eastmark offers grades 4-11 and next year the school will open grade 12.

Sequoia Pathfinder at Eastmark Students Win $10k in Lexus Eco Challenge recycle image 3
Sequoia Pathfinder Academy at Eastmark’s Green Team recently took high honors in the Lexus Eco Challenge with their efforts to introduce recycling to their school and its students. The students were awarded $10,000 for creating strong recycling programs on campus. In addition to winning the prize, their efforts netted dollars for their Student Council and educated their peers on the benefits of recycling.

Click here to check out the video of these inspiring kids!

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